You see, if you get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you get pain in the forearm, and you lose your ability to grip and pinch. That makes Donna's treatment of Josh in the above image ironic.
Honestly, though, there's not too much happening in this episode- the closest thing to a major plot-point is that Ainsley is asked by Sam to help him out, she ends up changing his mind, making a difference and getting some sentimental music at the end of the episode as she gazes around the Communications Office. It's great. Oh, and I should probably mention that she seems rather hungry. By my count, she eats her lunch from home (and tried to get Sam's lunch), a muffin she took from Republicans, and probably the cupcake Sam tried to order for her. I'm not sure why that's relevant, but it does continue to create this endearingly awkward aspect to her character.
Back to ergonomics.
I've been trying to find out if fewer people are getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome today or not- information is hard to come by, surprisingly- and it doesn't seem like we're on the cutting edge of technology here. These are the first five images that come up in a google image search for "ergonomics and typing."

First, the second through fifth image are all from the Cornell Human Factors and Ergonomics Research Group, or CHFERG, as they suggest you can call it. Well, their sense of technology today is as keen as their ear for catchy acronyms. Notice the monitor's tube design- notice the location of the keyboard in the handy slide-out tray (or just on top of the table). Notice that the keyboard has a number pad on it's side, and imagine if you will the clickity-clackity sound those keys must make in the fifth image. But, oh, that first image. You've got your earpiece attached to the phone, your document reader is attached at eye level to the monitor, your mouse and keyboard (the clickity-clackity variety, no doubt) are both at the same level. In short- you're ready to do business.
I only have two problems:
- What is this thing you refer to as a mouse?
- How am I supposed to ergonomically type when I'm using my laptop like this?
(one quick question: why the hell would getty need this particular image? An expose on shocking emails received in the middle of the night? What a plot twist in "Scandal" looks like when you're watching Netflix on your laptop because it's the second week of your vacation and you haven't gotten out of bed for anything but basic bodily functions in 53 hours?)
Anyways, I'm sorry I can't provide any update on OSHA's standards (except that she is positive that Jon Snow know's nothing), but I've got to end this blog post, because my wrists are starting to ache.
What's Next? S2e7- The Portland Trip
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