Tuesday, July 19, 2016

S3e9- Bartlet for America ("This is why good people hate us")

My wife called me out last night- I was threatening to watch the Republican National Convention- in part because I have a wildly morbid curiosity about what the end of civilization might look like, and in part because I've always wanted to know how Trump agreed to let Scott Baio speak, since he has a history of being In Charge, and I know Trump doesn't like a lot of competition.

Her point was that I started this blog to avoid this ridiculous cluster of an election cycle.

She's correct, and I'm sorry- I didn't mean to get sucked in, but it's just getting terribly difficult to avoid everything that's been happening.  So, in this blog post, I'm going to go on a bit of a bender.

This episode is centered around Leo's testimony, how the campaign got started and a relapse that occurred during the Convention.  President Bartlet, surveying the hall, talks about how the number of people in the space will raise the temperature.  Not a problem for SenatorJoni Ernst (R-Iowa), whose convention speech was slightly underattended:

This was also not an issue at the Convention's "Women Vote Trump" event.

The story of Leo approaching Jed is charming, but as an unexpected surprise, this episode features the return of Dolores Landingham, who shows up working for the then-Governor.  She's on camera for 30 seconds and manages to deliver some wonderful zingers- and I miss her all over again.

Most importantly, John Spencer delivers an Emmy-winning performance in this episode.  As an actor who was himself a recovering alcoholic, Spencer brings a humanity and reality to Leo, and the portrayal is stunning.

Since the current news cycle is focused on the hilarious process story of Melania Trump's speech (co-authored by Michele Obama without credit) while Trump surrogates are trying to say that copying 7% of a speech isn't really plagerism if the content is common words like "the" and "is" (actually heard someone say that on CNN), I feel the need to join in on the theater of the absurd that is playing out in our political process.

So, in a special RNC blog edition, is my impression of Trump live-tweeting Season 3 Episode 9- Bartlet for America:

What's Next?  S3e10- H. Con-172

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