Wednesday, February 1, 2017

S3e11- 100,000 Airplanes ("We're nowhere.")

Oy.  I'm running short of hope and feeling doubtful that anything from the era of "Yes We Can" will survive even the first 3 months of this presidency, this cabinet, this press secretary, this special advisor.... oy.

I started this blog as a means of staying distracted during the 8-month-long Presidential election cycle.  I didn't want to watch the GOP debates, with all 20 of their candidates.  I wanted to watch Bernie v. Hillary, until it became clear that the Democratic party grew through progressiveness and shrunk into rancor after someone had to win.  I certainly didn't want to watch any debate between the eventual candidates.  I was nearly moved to return to blogging during the presidential debates, but all along, I harbored a terrible fear; that what seemed impossible could actually happen, so instead, I obsessively watched the percentages on Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight- until I could no longer handle the way the percentages were moving in favor of the eventual victor.  

I walked to my polling station with such hope in my heart- buoyed by resounding support of facebook friends and a news media that gave no impression that I should worry.   I wore my "I Voted" sticker with pride.   I got my son a "Future Voter" sticker and took a picture of us, because I wanted to let him know that I had taken him to vote for the first female President of the United States.

It's taken me until now to return to the West Wing.  At first, it hurt too much, and I didn't want to miss the last months of President Obama's second term; I wanted to savor every last moment, speech and appearance.

I remember needing the West Wing during the first Bush term, and even more in the second, but that's nothing compared to why and how much I need it in my life now.

Is it escapism now?

There is nothing like realizing that a decent portion of your fellow citizens think that this country isn't already great to make you hide under the covers and just allow the episodes to run.

But now, it's time to get back to blogging.  Life continues on, and I think we all probably need a little bit of the West Wing right now- a reminder that... well, I'll let Sam tell you:

"I think ambition is good. I think overreaching is good. I think giving people a vision of government that's more than Social Security checks and debt reduction is good. I think government should be optimistic."

So, just one quick note on this odd little episode, that follows Sam around as he works on the State of the Union, and waits for the polling results (what cute little computer screens you have there, Joey!).

"Mr. Rogers wants to write a memo, we'll read it."

Well, here you go; a memo from Mr. Rogers for all of us in these times... I suggest starting at 5:08.

Plans were released by the transition team after Inauguration, detailing the privatization of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and elimination of both the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities.  Feel free to mention your support for these organizations when you're contacting elected officials about everything else you're calling them about.

To put it simply:

Come after Mr. Rogers' legacy, and we're coming after you.

Game On.

What's Next?  S3e12- The Two Bartlets

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