Tuesday, March 1, 2016

S1e7- The State Dinner (You don't have the power to fix everything... but I do like watching you try.)

I watched the Oscars last night, and there was some mention about the #askhermore campaign:  a plea for red carpet interviews to ask female actors about their work and not just about their clothing that started in 2015.  This particular episode of "The West Wing" originally aired on November 10, 1999, and in it, CJ is shown fielding questions from a gaggle of reporters about what the female guests of honor will be wearing.  Towards the end, once gowns, shoes and accessories are catalogued, CJ asks if anyone has any questions about the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.  Silence ensues.  To further underline the point, CJ gives a summary of the day's challenges:

C.J.- A hurricane’s picked up speed and power and is heading for Georgia.  Management and labor are coming here to work out a settlement to avoid a crippling strike that will begin at midnight tonight.
And the government’s planning a siege on 18 to 40 of its citizens, all the while we host a state dinner for the President of Indonesia.
Amazingly, you know what I’ll get asked most often today?
JOSH- What?
C.J.- Sondra?
SONDRA- I’m sorry, C.J....
C.J.- Black suede and velvet. Manolo Blahnik slides with a rhinestone and mother of pearl
toe buckle.

16 years later, I'm sure that C.J. would still agree: #askhermore!

We also (finally!!!) get to meet FLOTUS- First Lady Of The United States- Dr. Abigail Bartlet.  As with President Bartlet, she was initially only supposed to guest star a few times a season, but the dynamic between the two is fantastic.  She's in command of the State Dinner, moving graciously around the party and interacting with the senior staff in a way that suggests mutual respect.  When we finally see the two of them together, there's a compact between the Bartlet's that is shared with the audience:

ABBEY- You know, one of the things that happens when I stay away too long, is that you forget that you don’t have to power to fix everything. You have a big brain.  And a good heart.  And an ego the size of Montana.  You do, Jed.  You don’t have the power to fix everything. But I do like watching you try.

From that initial dialogue, Sorkin writes her into the show as one of the President's advisors- and joins Leo in the inner circle of people who can put the President in his place.

Finally, I'm still trying to write about Mandy in a way that's fair to the character, the actor portraying her and any readers who might not have seen the show already.  It's been a challenge.  Sorkin doesn't do Mandy any favors in this episode; she suggests sending an FBI negotiator into a standoff who ends up getting shot.  Mandy is clearly affected by this news, and appears to vomit off-camera.  Contrast the portrayal of Mandy in this scene with that of Toby in this episode.  Toby toughens up the language of the President's toast at the state dinner for Indonesia, and ends up sabotaging his attempts to work out a backroom deal with one of the Indonesian aides who was offended by the toast.  Toby is consoled by Josh, who tells Toby that they'll figure out another way to accomplish their goal.  Mandy has to go throw up, with no consolation or redemptive moment.  We never even hear if the negotiator survives.  I'm coming to realize that it isn't just that I don't like Mandy (although Moira Kelly doesn't help, especially when she delivers her line with more whine than when Luke Skywalker was going to the Tosche Station to pick up some power converters).  It's that the writers don't like Mandy, and aren't trying to help me like her either.   Is that equitable treatment?

What's Next?  S1e8- Enemies

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