Friday, March 25, 2016

S2e1&2- In the Shadow of Two Gunmen (Part 1&2) (Nah... I think we're exactly that dumb)

Ostensively, these two episodes take place over the course of 14 hours, but for the first time, we flash back to see how the West Wing staff was assembled (think the Avengers, but in politics), but I'll get to those later.  So, first, here are some updates:

President Bartlet and Josh have both been shot, there was a guy on the ground signaling to the shooters we're still looking for, and the Iraqi are choosing a bad day to mobilize an army.  In the aftermath of the shooting, Danny Concannon is raising questions about the 25th Amendment- who is in charge of the government while President Bartlet is in surgery, all the while, everyone is dealing with the shock of what has happened.  After the Season 1 finale, a great number of people thought that it would be Mandy who had been shot, in order to give her an exit to the show.  In Season 2 (and forever more), she just disappears without explanation.  Fans of the show now say that any supporting character who disappears without explanation simply has gone to"Mandyville."

**LIVE BLOGGING UPDATE- 12 minutes into Part 1 and I'm a bit of a mess.  I'm watching this at a mechanic's garage, which is terrible planning, but there's something a bit impressive about watching an episode for what must be the 12th time and still being moved by it.  At a mechanic's garage**

With the departure of Mandy to Mandyville, we have a new arrival-Nancy McNally, the National Security Advisor.  It's nice having Nancy here; she is competent, confident, and immediately likable.  It's more than a fair trade.  

So, on to the flashbacks and origin stories:

JOSH- Was working for Hoynes, and it's not going terribly well, because Josh's politics and Hoynes' don't mix well.  Leo invites Josh to New Hampshire to hear Jed Bartlet speak.  Josh has a concern:

Josh- Leo, the-the Democrats aren’t gonna nominate another liberal academic former governor 
from New England. I mean, we’re dumb, but we’re not that dumb.
Leo- Nah. I think we’re exactly that dumb.

Yeah, that's not relevant today at all...

SAM- Working for Gage Whitney Pace, about to make Partner, and busy building litigation shields for oil companies that are purchasing boats ships.  

TOBY- Working for Bartlet, but convinced that he's going to be fired; hence, he's drinking heavily in a bar before an event at the Nashua VFW-the same event that Josh is at.  Why is Toby going to be fired?  He advised Bartlet to tell the truth about his support for a law that hurt dairy farmers in New Hampshire.  

DONNA- Tried to pretend that she already worked for Josh; she dropped out of college (go Badgers!) to take care of her med student boyfriend.  They broke up, and she's here to find herself and start over.  To quote Donna: "I think you might find me valuable."  Josh gives her a campaign lanyard and she's in.

CJ- Was working for Triton-Day Public Relations in California, until she's fired within 3 minutes of us seeing her.  That's why she's carrying a box of belongings home.  I should add that she didn't have her glasses on when this happened...

So, now we come to "THE MOMENT" -

Bartlet decides to go with Toby's answer, and gives a stirring speech.  Josh realizes that Bartlet is the real thing and get's Sam on board, and can hire Donna.  Toby's not fired, encouraged not to screw it up, and hires CJ.  

Avengers Assembled.  

Captain America: Leo- A man from another time, a bit old-fashioned and the leader of the bunch.
Iron Man- Josh- Has all the tools and savvy, and uses a hard exterior to mask an inner sensitivity.
Thor- CJ- Wields a lot of power, looks good in a cape, speaks with eloquence.
Hulk- Toby- Uncontrollable emotions.  Irrational actions.  You wouldn't like him when he's mad.
Black Widow- Sam- A little too good looking for his chosen career, but very skilled. 
Hawkeye- Donna- No one is sure why she's there, but ends up being really important (ok, you have to see the second Avengers to get to that point, but it takes a while for Donna, too).

Early campaign looks rough, until the Illinois Primary- Bartlet wins, but instead of a victory speech, he's in the airport with Josh, who's flying home after learning of his father's death.  In total mensch mode, Bartlet offers to fly home with Josh, who reminds him of his victory speech, and forces him to become "ready" to run for the Presidency.  

**LIVE BLOGGING UPDATE- I'm home now, so the tears are flowing freely.**

What's Next?  S2e3- The Midterms

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